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DUI Laws, Drugs, and Driving in Florida

DUI Laws, Drugs, and Driving in Florida

Voters will decide on the legalities of Marijuana in Florida. The proposed Florida Marijuana law reads, "The person has a blood level of 5 nanograms or more of 30 delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol per milliliter of blood, as shown 31 by analysis of the person's blood." The Office of the Florida Attorney General has not filed a legal challenge to the current amendment. If voters even partially legalize marijuana in Florida, the issues of updating Driving Under the Influence laws, proof of impairment, and testing drivers for cannabis will be an issue. A summary of the Florida DUI / BUI statute would criminalize operation of a vehicle or vessel when the driver had "a specified amount of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol per 6 milliliter of blood commits the offense of driving under the influence or boating under the influence." The danger of alcohol-related crashes are documented in the decades of scientific literature. There is no scientific evidence that a positive drug test results in increased severity of crashes.

What are Drug DUI Per Se Laws?

Who Is Responsible For Proposing DUI Laws And Standards?

Where is the Evidence Driving with a Positive Test for Cannabis Causes Increases in Crashes?

What Does The Federal Government Say About DUI And Testing Drivers For Marijuana?

What Does An Expert Say About Testing DUI Drivers For Marijuana?

Excerpts From The Government DUI Report On Drug And Alcohol Crash Risk

DUI Laws, Drugs, and Driving in Other States

DUI Laws, Drugs, and Driving in Florida Sources


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